So, this idea just popped in my head after I got a message pop up on yahoo from a screen name I didn't recognize, but they were in my friend's list...
I casually say hello, and start the conversation by asking, i apologize, but I don't remember you, could you please tell me your name? I get in reply... are you serious? Well... no I'm not serious, I ask this question to all my friends on yahoo... Dumb ass... but I digress... I find out that it's the so and so that ditched me back in December... some of my friends know about this guy... I'll leave his name as simply, J.
So here is a little history about J. J. and I had been hanging out for a couple of months... Seemed to be a nice fellow. We met online... as it tends to be easier to meet someone online when you are not a fan of clubs/bars. J. tends to forgets dates and times and meeting places... and i'll elaborate...
First off, J. would always call last minute to reschedule or cancel... or let me know he was running late... I kind of got used to it. However, on the night of Dec. 18th, which marked 2 months for us hanging out/ "dating" (and i use dating as LOOSELY as i possibly can).
Well, on that day, we had made plans to have breakfast... i hear nothing from him until 1:30 pm... clearly after breakfast time... so during the course of our 1:30 conversation... he states that he's hungry and wants lunch... asked if i'd like to meet him at a sandwich shop. i agreed, and asked him which one... he named the place, but then said... "i think i need a nap." WHAT? ok... so you supposedly just woke up... ahem, and you need a nap? Did i just fall off the turnip truck? or did i clearly miss something? So i was like... how long are you going to nap? he states, he's going to set his alarm for 3:30... OK... that's TWO HOURS from now... so me, being that WAY TOO nice guy that i am... said, ok... so why don't we meet for a late lunch and then go to a movie at 6:30 since you wanted to see Burlesque. Ok, that's great, he says...
at precisely 3:22, my phone rings, and guess who... (you're so smart) it was J. and to my "surprise" asked if he could just meet me at the movie theater at 6:30. i agreed and didn't really protest, as at this point... i was just getting really irritated.
So... here it is... 6:25 on Saturday night, December 18th, at Southpoint Mall in Durham... it's cold and snowing... I'm waiting on the elusive J. 6:45 rolls around... movie, well previews, have started, and i'm still standing out in the freaking cold... alone. no sign of, or call from J... I did give him benefit of the doubt b/c of weather. so i bought my ticket and went in... 7:10, phone vibrates in pocket... i ignore... 7:15... vibrates again. i take phone out of pocket and check, and see i have 2 texts from J... hey... where are we supposed to meet? UM? WHAT?! We had a set time and place to meet... how could you forget in the 3 hours that have just passed... Enraged, I storm out of the theater, tears are flowing at this point because i'm just so pissed. i exit the theater and call J. he answers, and immediately i'm yelling in the phone... "what do you mean, where are we supposed to meet, and what time? did you forget since we talked 3 hours ago?" silence... i asked... "tell me where you are now?" oh boy, was not expecting the response that i got... "i'm having dinner w/ some friends" so J... after you spoke w/ me at 3:30 this afternoon, you made plans w/ other people to have dinner... or you already had these plans and didn't want to tell me... you are a moron... have a good evening i say to him and i hang up the phone. he called back, but i didn't answer.
9:20... the doorbell rings at the house. it's him. i say to him, "you really shouldn't be here." he said that he wanted to apologize and talk about it. i sat, and said absolutely nothing to him... until a few minutes passed and said, "J. there is really nothing to talk about, or apologize for. you did wrong, you know it, so deal with it." he leaves...
Sunday morning, i awake to a phone call, from, you guessed it... J. LOL
As you know, i had posted on my FB page about debating whether or not to give someone a gift or take it back... well this is the idiot.
So i answered the phone... why, i don't know... just being nice i suppose. you all laugh... b/c you know i can be a real bitch... but i do try to be a nice guy. so J. asks if i want to have breakfast... and i thought long and hard about it... and i thought back to the responses i got on FB about that post... so i told him that I would meet him. 10:00, if he didn't show then never contact me again... he called me about 9:50, informing me that he was running late... BIG SURPRISE! and i said that... LOL see bitchy me. ;-)
So he gets to the cafe, and we sit... and i'm pretty quiet, and only saying what i really need to or have to say to respond to him... it's very uncomfortable, and he can sense that... so he kind of wrapped things up. We leave the cafe, and head to our cars... i told him i had his xmas gift... and he said, "i didn't get you anything" well duh, because you are a self centered asshole! i responded, "well, that's not the point... it's xmas, the season of giving"... so i handed him his gift... he opened it.. and loved it. the sweater he had been eyeing at Express. "I LOVE IT!", he exclaims... and i reply, "well J., this is your parting gift... because you just lost the grand prize!" he didn't know what to say... i told him, please don't contact me anymore... call, text or anything... i have nothing to say to him, nor do i want to see him.
xmas eve and new's year day... i get texts from him... and i never responded... until tonight, when the bastard blindsided me! ACK!
This is a continual blog... I will be writing this one in installments...
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